Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's my birthday today. I don't bring this up to get a happy birthday Ben from you readers. I bring it up more for the fact that I am starting a new year of life. For some reason every time there is a new start to a new year people look back and think on the things that they want to improve on. Well, for me its simple. I've always talked about blogging. I've even experienced things that I think...hey you should blog about this.

For example there are things that you go through that just leave you thinking, I have got to tell people about this. Like the time knew my thread count in college. Just because I KNEW what my thread count was doesn't make me gay. Of the fact that from time to time things come out of my mouth that can be misinterpreted. Also as a side note a pink cake for my birthday does not equate me with liking all things pink, thus making me less of a man. Needless to say that there are things worthy of being blogged about in a person's life, however, I have yet to dive into this whole blogging thing. Like I said, I'm going to try and embrace the calling of the blog.

To my two faithful readers I'm hoping this new chapter of my life will keep you well informed of what is happening in the mind and life of balla ben.

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